
The Members of the Trust are the guardians of the governance of the Trust and as such have a different status to Trustees. Originally, they will have been the signatories to the Memorandum of Association and will have agreed the Trust’s first Articles of Association (the legal document which outlines the governance structure and how the Trust will operate). The Members appoint Trustees to ensure that the Trust’s charitable object is carried out.

Establishment group: Greater Manchester Education Trust

Full Name Appointed By Date of Appointment Date Stepped Down Business and Pecuniary Interests
Lucy Anne Wood Academy members 23/01/21 Brave Education Ltd Education consultancy, publishing Director, author, 23/09/2017, Harper Collins Publishing, Edtech 01/02/2020 Author, Ministry of Defence, Defence Children’s Services, Schools, training provider, Training lead, 23/08/2022, Teach First, Teacher training provider, Trainer, 08/01/2021
Mary Margaret Powell Academy members 01/09/22 No relevant interests to declare
Richard Pearce Academy members 01/09/22 Director/Married to Managing Director, Catalyst Psychology, Educational Psychology, 2011
Suzannah Mary Reeves Academy members 01/09/22 Pinnacle Learning Education Trust – Principal Oldham Sixth Form College, various roles from September 2007. Manchester City Council, Local Government Councillor, Old Moat Ward, May 2010
Richard Paver Academy members 19/09/16 18/09/23 (stepped down) None
Julie Marie Price Academy members 05/10/20 18/09/23 (stepped down) No relevant interests to declare

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